Nature inspired, child-led.
Research shows that children learn through play and nature enhances creativity, promotes teamwork, improves concentration, and helps develop problem solving skills [1,2]. Immersing ourselves amidst our local ecosystems, our children experience nature by direct, hands-on experiences. We then supplement play by presenting short lessons based on the children’s individual interests.
Our teaching philosophy will:
Establish a safe learning environment to encourage socialization and exploration
Help develop social skills and promote a positive self image through group learning and play
Promote growth of executive functioning skills using HighScope’s plan-do-review process, in which children make plans, carry them out, and then reflect on what they've done
Foster critical thinking and reflection by asking open ended questions and providing feedback in response to children’s ideas, insights and concerns
Nurture empathy and emotional literacy using the evidence-based Conscious Discipline approach, which starts with me, a calm nurturing adult
Encourage problem solving using HighScope’s six conflict resolution steps
Celebrate the diversity and individuality of children, families, and the natural world
Kindergarten Skills
Social and Emotional
To best prepare children for academic and lifelong success we teach a strong foundation in emotional literacy and social skills. By allowing children to make and experience the natural consequences of their choices, we help children develop a positive sense of self-awareness and confidence. Additionally, we incorporate HighScope’s conflict resolution steps amidst unstructured active play to help children interact positively with one another and encourage compromise when participating in groups. As feelings arise, we identify them and guide children through managing and expressing their feelings. We also assist them in recognizing and responding to the feelings of others.
Our program teaches pre-reading skills by speaking to children in complex language, reading aloud, telling and retelling stories, singing songs as part of a group, examining/designing trail signs and maps, as well as modeling journaling and writing.
The outdoors are filled with loose parts! Our Kiddos will collect, count, sort, and measure a variety of objects to literally build a mathematical foundation from the ground up! :) Additionally, we will model reading/writing, numbers, discussing time, estimating and comparing and contrasting.
We have the absolute best science class and we take full advantage of it by exploring the natural world. As our children engage with their surroundings we foster scientific curiosity by asking open-ended questions, identifying insects, following animal tracks, recognizing seasonal changes, forming hypotheses, and conducting observations and experiments.
1. Chawla, Cushing (2013). Benefits of Nature for Children’s Health. Children Youth and Environments Center for Research and Design, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center.
2. Ginsburg (2007). The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds. American Academy of Pediatrics, Vol. 119, Number 1: p. 182-191.