Welcome to Little Hikers Nature School

A child-led outdoor preschool and camp inspiring a lifelong connection to nature and a love of learning

To apply, follow the link above to create an account using Brightwheel. See our Enrollment and Tuition page for more information on Fall 2025!


Play-based Learning

It all begins with our outdoor classrooms, where children learn through play and nature enhances their creativity in play[1]. Whether we are climbing a magical bridge, turning a handful of moss into cure-all medicine, or making a cake, the outdoors provide numerous play opportunities that inspire teamwork, exploration, imagination, and a lifelong love for learning[2,3]. Because these nature-inspired play activities require complex verbal skills to convey purpose and meaning, a child’s creativity flourishes.


Child-Led Nature Explorations

My inspiration for launching Little Hikers Nature School stems from wanting to guide rather than compel, to let curiosity breathe rather than apply a one size fits all curriculum. The outdoors is the perfect place for this, as the natural setting allows children to use their senses, freely follow their interests, build their attention span, and even helps reduce ADHD symptoms[4]! In fact, there is ample research supporting that by participating in nature based education, students make greater gains in reading, writing, math, and critical thinking[5,6]. With this in mind, I have set out to create an ideal setting for children ages 2.5-6 to develop their social, emotional, motor, and cognitive skills. Our program is designed and centered around Eno River State Park and our surrounding local shared spaces.


Our Commitment to Safe Socializing

Our nature-based forest program grew out of a need to allow children to resume socializing during a developmentally crucial time. There is no question that children need opportunities for socialization and play, especially during times of stress. When the safety of returning to normal during a global pandemic became increasingly unpredictable, Little Hikers was founded as a sanctuary for children to grow and develop amongst their peers.

“In nature, a child finds freedom, fantasy, and privacy: a place distant from the adult world, a separate peace.”

— Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder

1.  Ginsburg (2007).   The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds. American Academy of Pediatrics, Vol. 119, Number 1: p. 182-191.

2.  Burdette, Whitaker (2005).  Resurrecting Free Play in Young Children.  Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, Vol. 159: p. 46-50.2. 

3.  American Institutes for Research (2005).  Effects of Outdoor Education Programs for Children in California.

4.Kuo, Taylor (2004).  A Potential Natural Treatment for Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder: Evidence From a National Study.  American Journal of Public Health.

5.  Ernst, Monroe (2004).   The effects of environment-based education on students’ critical thinking skills and disposition toward critical thinking. State Education and Environment Roundtable.
6.  Bartosh (2003).  Environmental Education: Improving Student Achievement.  Evergreen State College.